Strange indeed the way life
Every little thing plays a distinct note
As we step forward to collect the future
The past we rarely forsake no matter what may come.
Could it be that we love the past more than the future?
I surely do not know the answer!
The love I yearn may not be the same as yours
Yet one thing is certain,
When in pain love appears the same,
With conditions imposed as fence
Love can never flourish sanely,
In a relationship
Cracks and holes can still make way
But when we loved with a love that was more than love
The barrier of conditions evaporate
And, with love everything becomes LOVE.
We travel along this life
Unknowingly with love in our hearts
Along with occasional hatred and vengeance
Lets throw all that aside
And hand in hand let us march together
Beyond the reach of race, religion and language
Because in the end, I wish to share this
We travel nowhere in this life
But from the little self towards bigger self
And we grow only when
We loved with a love that was more than love
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