Sunday, January 03, 2016

Sounds of impermanence

Rustling leaves swaying trees
Blowing wind warming sun
Shining stars beaming moon
Dancing waves witnessing oceans

Light-less nights brightest days
Running streams flowing rivers
Standing hills rising mountains
Chirping birds growling beasts
Burrowing worms slithering snakes
Trumpeting elephants bleating goats
Unseen viruses unseen Bacteria
Fleeting moments skipping heartbeats
Rolling years growing desires
Shrinking physiques wrinkling skin
Comforting pleasure depressing pain
Rolling tears smiling faces
Living man midst the dying ones
Dying man midst the living ones
Battling minds and baffling minds
 Energizing hopes and killing sorrows

Dances on the stage called life
Until final rest it devours all but the spirit...,
Every second the musics I hear
And dances I see

I enjoy the sounds of impermanence
And the visions that keep rolling,

All that remain is but impermanence.

cyclopseven. All rights reserved 010116.


  1. Happy New Year, Cyclops, love the way you play with words in your poetry
