Sunday, February 01, 2009

Pengkalan Hulu II

The memories drowned in time

Still accosting me closely,

And within as I spread my wings for now

They reverberate with joy and sorrow.

The land I once measure barefooted

Still carry the remnants of my childhood plays,

Despite the turmoil of my wavy thoughts

That keeps me far from many things

I know in the depth of her soul

Pengkalan Hulu still carves a niche for me.

As I pluck my memories one by one

And lay each across the ever spreading mind,

An insoluble conundrum of mystical rhyme

Begin to rise in me with euphoric expansion.

Inscrutable indeed the play of fate

A place so enchanting, quintessence of peace,

I am forced to walk out from,

To fulfil the yearning to make a living.

At each thought of Pengkalan Hulu,

A profound hush of bliss arise within me

I wish to re-enter the heaven again

Before my eternal call arrive at my door.

Oh! Pengkalan Hulu

At every thought of you

I see nothing but hills, cluster of hills

I hear nothing but wind, whistle of wind

I feel nothing but bliss, inexplicable bliss

I touch nothing but earth, the brown earth.

Will my breath mingle with yours?

Let me know before it’s too late.

©2009 cyclopseven. All rights reserved 010209.


  1. A lovely poem you have written with so much of love and passion for the wonderful place. I can feel that your heart and soul are still there.
    Visit the place soon. Take care dear fren.

  2. So much feeling. So special a place!

  3. Hi Cyclopseven, That's some poem!
    I really enjoyed reading this - pleased to meet you...

  4. Your closing lines are really wonderful:

    'Oh! Pengkalan Hulu
    At every thought of you
    I see nothing but hills, cluster of hills
    I hear nothing but wind, whistle of wind
    I feel nothing but bliss, inexplicable bliss
    I touch nothing but earth, the brown earth.
    Will my breath mingle with yours?
    Let me know before it’s too late.'

  5. Lots of feeling here, full of longing and yearning with layers of hope and passion. Nicely done!

  6. Good description of the place that is so important to your eyes!

  7. well, i guess you are just 2 hours drive away!! ;)
    btw, i dint know about the British fort.. hv to find out whether its still there, tx

  8. emotions for this place well done
    nice to meet you!

  9. I could feel the love you have for this place very deeply....just beautiful. This was my very favorite line:

    The land I once measure barefooted

    So much meaning in these few words! A whole history in one line. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Hi Guys

    Thank you for dropping by. I wish one day we can share the moment having 'virtual tea'. Really appreciate those words.

  11. I am not familiar with this place...but your poem makes be yearn for it!
