Lost it’s fervor in selfishness.
The marching sound of battle boots
And rolling chains of invincible tanks
Breaking the tears of living mankind
But, in helplessness
Many die crying only frustration.
Where goes the mankind that lives?
In heaven and hell their belief
Digs the depth of profound thoughts,
Yet, with mankind they live with disbelieve.
Soiled hopes reigning far,
The oppressed knows
The oppressor too knows
That in selfishness, the world
Cradling the living mankind
Who is already dead of conscience.
Nations crying with words of comfort
Dressing the wound that hid the bullet.
And, another day comes, once more.
Nations crying with words of comfort
Dressing the wound that hid the bullet.
(To the innocent souls trapped amidst the war)
©2009 cyclopseven. All rights reserved 310109.