Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dying humanity

The colossal remain of humanity

Lost it’s fervor in selfishness.

The marching sound of battle boots

And rolling chains of invincible tanks

Breaking the tears of living mankind

But, in helplessness

Many die crying only frustration.

Where goes the mankind that lives?

In heaven and hell their belief

Digs the depth of profound thoughts,

Yet, with mankind they live with disbelieve.

Soiled hopes reigning far,

The oppressed knows

The oppressor too knows

That in selfishness, the world

Cradling the living mankind

Who is already dead of conscience.

Nations crying with words of comfort

Dressing the wound that hid the bullet.

And, another day comes, once more.

Nations crying with words of comfort

Dressing the wound that hid the bullet.

(To the innocent souls trapped amidst the war)

©2009 cyclopseven. All rights reserved 310109.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Let Thy will be done, yet…

Standing at this juncture
In this journey of mystery
I am wondering
Whether to remain awestruck
At the sight of this wonder filled creation
To remain blanketed in deadening sorrow.

Many things,
I have to say out loud
Yet so many things,
I have to bury silently


I asked this self many times
For which an answer in search
I am still in anticipation.

Life offers
Everything from the coffer
But, none I see drifting closer.
I know this is a hunting ground
Hunting for arrays of hope

But, moving along this alley in life
The mind drags me astray
And towards the unknown
My shadow takes me along.

I wish Thy will be done
Yet selfishly, I implore
Let it meet mine.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 090109.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


The sallow hue from the unexpected event
Finagled between the thoughts,
Rendering me hopelessly hopeless.
Tricky tricks of the mind
Between the pleasure and sorrow
Dangles the bait at the right juncture
Alas! Am not the fortunate few
That relishes the juice,
Even to think of it seems very far.
Reluctantly I traveled across the floor
Of my house which is my so-called home
Raking the soul in search of bliss
I stepped every corners of it,
And slowly despite the hardest zeal
It does trickle, the tears.
Allowing a little time to wallow in it
I am fighting
To regain the composure with firmness
I am resolving to stand against
Whatever that comes
Because I know
I stand for nothing else but love.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 070109.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

When time doesn’t rhyme

In the hours
When time doesn’t rhyme
With our actions nor our thoughts
Let us not allow desperation
to win and swim
To the uppermost of mind.

Life teaches that to lose today
Is a lesson learned for a gain tomorrow
Because life is a continuity of breath
Not to be paused at any moment
But to live, diligently with hope.
Higher we rise in aspiration
More is laid bare before us
Big issues then become small matters
And our hatred towards others
Will transform into love and tolerance.

Time is everything
And, how we rhyme to time
Is the essence of mind.
Let’s hold our hands together
And circle our hearts with love
A better world we pray to come
So to leave our footprints
in the sands of time
And proudly proclaim
That mankind have made
a world peaceful
And, full or love.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 010109.


I wish all my blogger friends A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2009. Hope this year opens a new and wonderful chapter in each one's life. God Bless.