Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Door of love?

One day in the past
Obscured in time
A dove came flying
And, knocked at my heart.
I opened my heart, happily
And she perched in my heart.
She latched my heart from inside, and,
And never leave that room, since then.

But, in her heart
I gained no hold
For the door of her heart
She locked it
Both from within and without.

I searched many time
For a door
To gain entrance
To unlock her heart,
Alas! Never did I find one

Will it remain the same, ever?
She holds the answer
It’s now,
or never.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 090908.

1 comment:

  1. "...But, in her heart
    I gained no hold
    For the door of her heart
    She locked it
    Both from within and without...."

    So many are buried in the hurts life throws their way and close their hearts forever...how terribly sad - both for them and those around them.
