Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cats have nine lives?

"There is a kitten trapped in the ceiling". My mum's words echoed loudly and clearly. I looked at her, and she continued, "We could hear kitten meowing almost daily". Apparently, they tried to get the neighbors help to bring the kitten out. But, things didn't really work the way they planned as the kitten went farther into the inaccessible corner of the roof. I was very sad knowing a life is at stake, and decided to get it out from the roof. I had no choice but to break one of the ceilings to get a glimpse of this kitten. In the beginning as I popped my head into the dark space, I heard nothing. Very quiet. "Ma, I don't see any kitten here. Perhaps, the mother cat has taken it away to a new hideout", I said to my mum.

As I was about to step down from the ladder, suddenly I heard this meowing sound. Using the torch light, I saw two shining eyes staring at me through the small gap between the ceiling and the concrete beam. Yes, it is there. But, there was no proper way to get to it as the concrete beam laid across, blocked whatever little space in that corner.

Somehow, using a long pole, I managed to push the kitten to quite an accessible corner where my hand can squeeze through to grasp the tiny little feet of the kitten. It didn't react. Guess the kitten was extremely exhausted after days without food. We gave him some milk which was fed using a syringe, but he refused to swallow. Then, decided to leave it in a box and placed it in the porch. Felt so sorry for the kitten that I occasionally placed it between my hands and gently stroked it with my fingers. The eyes appeared to be glaring.

But, it died after a few hours. I felt very bad and very sad. The mother cat came after he died. Don't know what to say. It is not just a kitten, but a life....which was wriggling in my hands earlier as I cupped it gently. What can we say? There is an end for everything. We just have to accept the reality. And, life goes on. Hope it will come around one day looking for me.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 121008.


  1. This is very sad and sweet...and the pictures make it more touching and real. You made the cat's last hours more special.

  2. Sad, but you tried and gave it your best. The photos are precious.

  3. Very touching and precious. There is an end for everything. I agree. What touched me the most is it died after you have saved it. :(( Why?

  4. usually mother animals abandons a child that is already dying of something else... a better thereafter perhaps.. cheer up!

  5. Hi Cyclop,
    So heart rendering...
    You so kind...i can see..
    see again

  6. dat was such a beautiful life u held in ur hands...sad it had to end this way :(

  7. Scarlet...i wish i had done a little more. Alas!! We are nobody to explore the future, right?

    Well Sage...I agree the photos are precious. At least the memory of the kitten shall speak through the pictures.

    Venus66...I dunno the answer buddy. That's the mystery God is holding.

    Kalei...I don't doubt that. Possible.

    Devika...we all have a little soft spot for many living things in this world.

    Thank you, guys.

  8. Hi Cyclop!

    I can only agree with you, dear friend!

