Friday, July 18, 2008

To my friends

When the morning sun
In slumber greets me solemnly
Penetrating the hazy gaze of my life
I am still dreaming of a life of my choice.

My friends have changed
From new to old in age and look
Some new ones are like the buds
Waiting to flower beautiful flowers.

The garden is wet from yesterday’s rain
But the flowers of friendship renders beautiful vision
This captures my conflicting mind
In utter silence, I retreat from nostalgia.

Years are running fast
Leaving the wall clock in my room
Suffocating for time, to tick
Such is the speed of time.

The dangling hope swings swiftly
To the anticipation of an unknown feeling
Swirling within the space of my mind
Of a life void of pain and desperation.

I am fighting a fight, a fragile one
I know it well, soon it may break
Yet I am still strong because
My friends, the beacons of support
Circles me forever, as pillars of hope.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 180708.


  1. Nicely done--we all need "pillars of hope"

  2. Ah my friend...would that I could carry that pain for you.

  3. How i wish I could help you. Am always here my dearest friend. Lately your poems are full of emotions. Take good care my fren.

  4. Thank you for being great people. Your presence here is always anticipated.
