Monday, May 19, 2008

Glint of sunlight

The glint of sunlight
Drop by to whisper a ‘good morning’
To me, while I am still
Registering my mind afresh
For morning anew.

I see my thoughts
Undulating between decaying hopes
As the faint light touches
One more day, today.

Like the effect of cognac
Everything twirls within and without
A sign that tells all about life
And, the trail that I am treading.
Zombies walk within my mind
In the form of formless desires
Wanting to gain and taste everything.

Alas! Reality goes further and further
Reaches not the ultimate ending.

I wish to undo the woven thread
One by one till I see none of the mind
Sad to say the Creator’s play is already set
For every thread of desires I pull out
Another replaces it with immediate speed.

So low, my feelings tumble down
My physique refuses to calm, to get down
But, a choice I have not
The clock on the wall speaks in ticking sound
And the needles move closer and closer
To my office time.

If I don’t lay my feet on the ground
I know that I am surely to be doomed
And another job is surely hard to come by
Especially when your twenties and thirties
Had flown unto oblivious time
Leaving me now in the forties heading towards fifties.

Pain unbearable, desires intolerable
Mind keeps wheeling me ahead
And I surrender to His will
Let another day too to pass by.
And I vow to pray with hope
That another glint of sunlight
For another day, tomorrow
Will grant me the peace
That hushes the bliss.

©cyclopseven. All rights reserved 180508.


  1. Beautifully woven. 'HOPE'. Time will speak real soon.
    Take care my friend.

  2. Wow!! what a beautiful site. I really liked this very poem.

    Take care!!


  3. Really enjoyed this poem, very well written ;-D

  4. Each day is a new day with new hopes.
    Thank goodness we get that opportunity even if we sometimes don't appreciate it. Good one Cyclopseven.

  5. Thank you my friends for your presence and encouraging comments. God bless.

  6. Thanks for stopping by Poetic Alchemist. I enjoyed this poem and my quick scan of your blog. Nice work!
