Thursday, August 17, 2006


Night. A moment I cherished most. Why? I don't know and I don't understand, but the darkness that pervades the sky give me a sense of mysterious oneness with the Creator. The dark firmament of sky above, hides a million secrets only to be revealed one by one by the shining stars above. I am alive when the twilight cross the border and merge with night. Wonders never cease. Union of soul with dark night gives rise to an unknown feeling but a pleasant one. Its a mysterious union, inexplicable but soothing. Darkness means fear for some, but for me, darkness is security. Security from many unexplained feelings.
During my younger days I used to be a nocturnal animal. Oh..what a delightful play, the darkness that reveal the sparkling stars yonder. No fear accompanied me during my lonely journey in the darkness. Layers of hidden lives manifest in front of me in wonderful play. I encountered, during my ramble in the forest at night, animals and insects, which were not possible to see during the day. His play is surely majestic. Inseparable from Him.
In the dark night, my soul speaks a language highly poetic. I struggle for words to express the soul language. Most of the moments remain locked in the depth of my mind, as the moments are so subtle and can't be unlocked by words that belongs to any language, but only in language of the silence. This capture within the soul joyous rapture is a collaboration of peace and bliss and I hardly fight to find a release out of it. Yes..the starry nights of my life gone by told me stories of human saga of both hardship and brilliance unparalled. That keeps me going now, exploring the invisible humanity hidden in this darkness, another facet of nature's beauty.

1 comment:

  1. "A moment I cherished most. Why? I don't know and I don't understand, but the darkness that pervades the sky give me a sense of mysterious oneness with the Creator."

    I agree and feel the same!
    Perhaps that is the reason I stay awake till late, sometimes the whole night! I cannot describe how it feels!

